Christ on a cracker…I’m tired, y’all. I let myself slack off on blogging during second trimester so I could catch up on my classes and life in general, but now that I’m waddling through third…I’m tired.
Not of y’all, I heart every single one of your faces, just in general. I have about 27 (not kidding, I counted) blog posts that I have started and have not finished. I have an entire board of Pinterest projects that I have been meaning to do before the baby gets here. I need to clean out a closet and storage room and do some serious purging. I have the second season of Veronica Mars just begging to be re-watched.
Instead, I go to work, come home, cook dinner if Jethro is lucky and then stare at important shows like The Voice and Bones before I pass out at about 9:30. Occasionally, there are games of Words with Friends, Zombie Jombie or Draw Something involved, but not always.
I’d blame it on me growing a baby, but I think we’ve heard me complain about not getting stuff done before, haven’t we? (I’d link to the posts, but I’m TIRED.) Besides, at this point he’s just getting fat, you’d think all my energy would have been depleted when he was forming lungs and the part of his brain that deals with algebra, or something. But no, second trimester I was perky! Full of pep! I even gladly took the steps in my building instead of the elevator!
Now, when I drop something, I have to have a talk with myself about how badly I need it or if it should just make a new home there on the floor. And I have two more months, y’all!
I think I might just be lazy. It is a distinct possibility.
Anyway, this is me, stopping in, waving hello and hoping some of y’all are lazy like me and haven’t taken me off your Google reader, or whatever you kids use these days. Hug your mom/mom-figures this weekend, go see the Avengers (seriously) and if I get my ass in gear this weekend, there’ll be a brand-spankin’ new post up on Monday.
Well, newish. It’s probably been sitting in my drafts for two months now.
And here’s a belly shot, because apparently I’m supposed to be sharing these more. We are rapidly heading into torpedo-shaped territory, y’all. I’m 30 weeks, so seven more until I’m full term and ten more until sh*t officially starts to get real.
Still think there’s time to change my mind and get a puppy instead?
Yes, I took this in the bathroom at work. LEAVE ME ALONE, I’M TIRED.